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The Bee Mural
“Bee” a part of this unique experience by visiting in person (outdoors), participating in
upcoming events and following along online.
The Bee Mural (Sarah Hennessy 2023)
Bee City USA - Hendersonville works to create healthy habitats and raise awareness of the importance of all pollinators through educational events. We are thrilled to be partnering with Hands On! Children’s Museum, local businesses, nonprofit organizations, and community members to bring The Good of the Hive to paint a landmark bee mural in the heart of downtown Hendersonville.
The Good of the Hive artist Matthew Willey is on a mission to hand-paint 50,000 honey bees – the number necessary for a healthy, thriving hive – in murals around the world. Because Hendersonville's mural will be painted outdoors in a public space, Matt will purposefully be just as busy working as a pollinator educator as a painter! You can BEE inspired by his work and his message at
The bees (and other pollinators!) are currently being painted on the exterior wall of Hands On! Children’s Museum located within the Azalea Public Parking Lot (facing Third Ave. E. between N. Main Street and King Street).
Phase 1 of the mural project was completed in the fall of 2020. You can now see the queen bee and her attendants “overwintering” on their comb dripping with honey on the exterior wall of the museum. Phase 2 of the project to add more bees and honeycomb around the corner of the building as well as flowers growing up from the ground and additional pollinators in flight across the walls will be completed in the spring of 2021.
Art has the enduring power to create beauty, stir curiosity, and ignite action. In addition to the many aesthetic, cultural, social, and economic benefits public art provides, we believe this mural will draw attention to the importance of bees and other pollinators and inspire actions to help sustain healthy ecosystems.
The bee and her hive are the artist’s symbols, but at its essence this project is about activating and celebrating the power in human connection. The global hive Matt is painting is a metaphor for the connectedness of all things. The bees are a symbol for humans, trees, animals, pollinators, water, soil and everything in between. “If COVID-19 has taught us anything it is that we are truly all connected more deeply than we realize.” – Matt Willey
Through the tremendous support of local donors and sponsors, over $35,000 was raised from June 2019 – June 2020 to bring the mural to life in our community! $25,00 is being used for design work, artistry, labor, materials, and supplies needed to create the one-of-a-kind hand-painted mural that will be part of The Good of the Hive’s global initiative to raise awareness about the importance of pollinators as well as for community and media engagement with the artist/founder. An additional $10,000+ went (or is going towards) other supportive expenses including preparing and applying base coat to the wall prior to mural painting, renting a hydraulic lift, creating professional video updates about the project, designing and planting the pollinator gardens located alongside the mural, etc.
Additional contributions to the “Bring the Hive Alive!” bee mural fund will help accomplish the following:
Learn More
There are lots of ways to learn more about the bee mural project:
Bee City USA - Hendersonville and Hands On! Children’s Museum are especially interested in collaborating with local schools to offer more STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art, and math) opportunities for students. During the fall of 2020, we were so inspired by Ms. Cox’s bee unit and virtual field trip to the bee mural for all K-5 students at Mills River Elementary School; bee mural class assignments at FernLeaf Community Charter School; and Ms. Fuge's honey bee virtual classroom complete with a clickable calendar to see the bee mural in progress, bee art lesson, and bee storybook videos. We were also excited to get to work with several Henderson County classrooms who raised live monarch butterflies and/or sent symbolic monarchs to Mexico. If you would like to partner with us on upcoming pollinator education projects in the spring, please contact
Bee Mural Press:
Bee the Change – Bold Life Magazine
Fundraisers set for bee mural in downtown Hendersonville - Hendersonville Times-News
Friends of honeybee launch mural campaign - Hendersonville Lightning
Honeybees and beers mix at fundraiser for Hendersonville bee mural - News 13 WLOS
Bee mural to be painted at Hands On! in downtown Hendersonville - Hendersonville Times-News
Bee Mural to go up later this year - Hendersonville Lightning
Bee Mural gets boost from Community Foundation - Hendersonville Times-News
Mural Project Comes to Downtown Hendersonville – The Laurel of Asheville (April 2020)
Garden Jubilee plant sale in Etowah to benefit Bee Mural project - Mountain Xpress
Hendersonville Farmers Market event celebrates pollinators, Sept. 12 - Mountain Xpress
Hendersonville Starts Painting of Giant Bee Mural - The Laurel of Asheville (October 2020)
Downtown bee mural painting starts Monday, Oct. 25 - Hendersonville Times-News
Bee mural project set to begin in Hendersonville - News 13 WLOS
Matt Willey Begins Bee Mural in Hendersonville, Nov. 5 - Tribune Papers
Educational pollinator garden being installed near Bee Mural in Hendersonville - News 13 WLOS
Inside the Bee Mural: Artist talks about his inspiration, Nov 23. - Hendersonville Times-News
Cold weather pauses bee mural until spring - Hendersonville Lightning